I’ve always been a stickler for the stuff I do to make an impact. And now Jen Robson and I are setting up our own content agency to make it happen.
Everyday an army of researchers tackle some of the most pressing problems facing society, the environment and economy. Their work and their findings are hugely important and can have profound effect and impact on the world.
It’s therefore critical that their findings resonate and connect with those positioned to lead or make change.
All too often however, the nuggets from research are lost in technical jargon or can be found on the 100th page of a pdf report and end up with key messages being buried. At Content we say ‘make sense, make impact’. Put simply if the communication of research findings don’t make sense to people and do not reach them then it’s highly unlikely that any meaningful change in behaviour, beliefs and practices will happen.
If we can connect research findings with the people who can put those findings to practice, make change and capture this change then impact will occur and be reported.
To do this there are a number of things we need to understand and its these things that Content is built upon.
the stakeholders and intended audience, their role in making change happen and what would motivate them to engage and follow through,
where and how different stakeholders consume content and what appeals to them and grabs their attention,
what change is required from different stakeholders to deliver change and impact,
what will motivate stakeholders to act on research findings and engage in change,
how best to track, become part of and follow stakeholder journeys and how best to capture impact,
and finally how to shout about the impact your research has catalysed and to attract more funding so you can deepen and extend this impact.
At content we work with universities to think tanks and with individuals from researchers to consultants to help them translate complex information into something that makes sense and makes impact. We do this through training, communications planning and delivery and supporting you to ensure that evaluation and impact is implicit in all of your thinking and activity.
If you’d like to find out more about what we do – check out or website here and we’d love to hear what you think.